See also: the equivalent list for horror movies, there is some crossover with science-fiction/horror films so I've tended to include them in both.

This covers 10+ decades of movie-making, so there must be something in there to catch your fancy. So here you'll find some early classic sci-fi, quite a few movie/TV serials, the excellent Quatermass, a couple of Soviet sci-fi flicks, the first 4 Gamera films and other giant monster movies, as well as some of the worst films ever made, which often makes them must-sees (e.g. Although it is worth noting that not all of the lowest rated ones here appear in the Bottom 100 because they don't have the 1,500 votes needed to qualify - so get watching and get voting, the world need to seem some of these gems!! The better known PD ones are available on some dirt cheap DVDs - I have quite a few on triple feature DVDs selling for £1 and there are 50 film boxsets selling for very little, most of them are worth the 30p/20 cents you'd pay for them, although free is better. I largely made the list for myself, so I could keep a track of some of these early classics as I work through their catalogue (some are classic for being good, others for being so bad they are good and some are just bad) but I'm making it public as I'm sure there are other people out there who'd be interest - if nothing else you can grab the bad ones, some beer, some friends and hold your own MST3K (a number of them have appeared on the show).

The Internet Archive is well-known for the Wayback Machine it hosts and they also have a very large selection of public domain media*, relevant to IMDB are the films they have and this is a list designed to bring together the science-fiction ones.